Wednesday, February 28, 2007
new look..or look how much i suck at html
so i am sort of a mental giant when it comes to writing code. ha ha I am attempting a few new looks. If you know what you are doing and would like to take it upon yourself to trick out my site...let me know. cause damn it took me forever to just do this... I have even managed to pimp out Undead America's Myspace profile and blog! Bask in my power. Geeks will bow before me.... okay so not really but a girl can dream.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Episode #012 Awaken Your Inner Prom Queen
Review Season 3 Homecoming, Kulak Demon, K. Todd Freeman, Go Ask Malice, Spike vs Dracula, and Buffy Accessory Packs.
News-Interview with Christopher Golden
-Win a Role in Buffy Season 8
-Nathan Fillion's Drive
-Bid Damn Chefs Cookbook
-Sumnmer Glau in Sarah Connor Chronicles
-Article about Joss in Comics
-Eliza Dushku's film Alphabet Killer
-fruity oaty bars shirt
-New Buffy Forum
-Jewel Staite returns to Stargate Atlantis
-Browncoat Ball 2007
-Review of Buffy Season 8 at
Genuine Molded Plastic-Serenity River Statue Delayed

Accessory Packs Review
Willow's book report/Xander's comic Collection
Spike Vs Dracula by Peter David
Interview with Robert Joseph Levy

Go Ask Malice Reading Schedule...Homework for next time pgs #1-50
Bunny Fear Fan Fic Challenge
Podcast Monster- Kulak
Kulak Monster Bust
Where Are They Now?- K. Todd Freeman

Interview at Steppenwolf
Cast of Wicked
Another article on K Todd Freeman
Episode Review: Homecoming
News-Interview with Christopher Golden
-Win a Role in Buffy Season 8
-Nathan Fillion's Drive
-Bid Damn Chefs Cookbook
-Sumnmer Glau in Sarah Connor Chronicles
-Article about Joss in Comics
-Eliza Dushku's film Alphabet Killer
-fruity oaty bars shirt
-New Buffy Forum
-Jewel Staite returns to Stargate Atlantis
-Browncoat Ball 2007
-Review of Buffy Season 8 at
Genuine Molded Plastic-Serenity River Statue Delayed

Accessory Packs Review
Willow's book report/Xander's comic Collection
Spike Vs Dracula by Peter David
Interview with Robert Joseph Levy

Go Ask Malice Reading Schedule...Homework for next time pgs #1-50
Bunny Fear Fan Fic Challenge
Podcast Monster- Kulak
Kulak Monster Bust
Where Are They Now?- K. Todd Freeman

Interview at Steppenwolf
Cast of Wicked
Another article on K Todd Freeman
Episode Review: Homecoming
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Undead Fanfiction Challenge-Leporiphobia aka Bunny Fear I was listening to Athenamuze's awesome new podcast and she mentioned that in "Selfless" we see that Aud's breeds bunnies...and then we know that Anya is now afraid of, how did the bunny fear develop? We are missing the real story there so let's imagine what happened... So my challenge to you is to write a short tale describing the incident or incidents that led to her (the fear of rabbits/bunnies). 2000 words or less...
Deadline April 1st!
Post you story on the new Slayalive Buffy Forum or read the stories as they are posted and let the writers hear some feedback.
***AND either Brian or myself (or maybe you if you have a mic) will read my favorite one or a couple of them on my podcast around Easter. Just a little something new to try...
Deadline April 1st!
Post you story on the new Slayalive Buffy Forum or read the stories as they are posted and let the writers hear some feedback.
***AND either Brian or myself (or maybe you if you have a mic) will read my favorite one or a couple of them on my podcast around Easter. Just a little something new to try...
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
New Buffy Podcasts- Watchercast and Happyland
Please check out these two new buffy podcast that i am grooving on...
Watchercast- episode reviews starting at the beginning....These folks are funny, have great insights, and don't waste my time. I love many buffy casts just ramble and crack each other up...or have their buffy facts completely bass-akwards. I am really loving this one...
Upside Down and Halfway to HappyLand by Athenamuze!...Hurrah this was totally fun and I look forward to more...everyone should give it a listen!
And as always...check out Strangely Literal...the Mr Gordo story, Moving On, and the Jayne Drabbles are especially awesome!
Watchercast- episode reviews starting at the beginning....These folks are funny, have great insights, and don't waste my time. I love many buffy casts just ramble and crack each other up...or have their buffy facts completely bass-akwards. I am really loving this one...
Upside Down and Halfway to HappyLand by Athenamuze!...Hurrah this was totally fun and I look forward to more...everyone should give it a listen!
And as always...check out Strangely Literal...the Mr Gordo story, Moving On, and the Jayne Drabbles are especially awesome!
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Buffy figures go the way of the dinosaur...
TF07: Clear Room for New BUFFY
DST Revamps Sunnydale...
Diamond Select's ever-evolving line of Buffy the Vampire Slayer action figures is coming to an end... and morphing into somthing new.
The Build-A-Judge Series, now to be divided up into two, three figure waves, will send off Buffy and her 6" scale pals with a bang. Asked why, DST replied that all major and minor characters have been created, and it is time to move on to something new and exciting.
That new and exciting is REVAMPED, a new series of dynamically sculpted, diorama-like figs. Buffy and Angel were on display at Toy Fair in prototype form, each showcasing an interactive pegged environment, swappable heads and torsos. The gimmick on "Revamped" is that the fan can position the figure in numerous battle stances via the foot and peg system: From running up the side of a trash dumpster to slam that stake in the enemy (not included), to standing strong and fast for solo display. Each figure will feature minimal articulation (head, shoulders, waist). "Revamped" figures will retail in the $16-$20 price range with first two releases due out around this summer.
In addition, DST will be ushering in new prop replicas (Faith's Knife and Dulac Cross) as well as an exciting new resin sculpture series. The latter, will capture the Essence of...
* Angel
* Spike
* Willow
* Buffy
Each Jean St. Jean Studio sculpted piece will illuminate in some way (ie: candles with Willow, glowing blue archway for Angel, etc.) and will run around $125 each.
My thoughts... Dumb. Not giving us Riley and Gunn before ending this is really friggin annoying.
TF07: Clear Room for New BUFFY
DST Revamps Sunnydale...
Diamond Select's ever-evolving line of Buffy the Vampire Slayer action figures is coming to an end... and morphing into somthing new.
The Build-A-Judge Series, now to be divided up into two, three figure waves, will send off Buffy and her 6" scale pals with a bang. Asked why, DST replied that all major and minor characters have been created, and it is time to move on to something new and exciting.
That new and exciting is REVAMPED, a new series of dynamically sculpted, diorama-like figs. Buffy and Angel were on display at Toy Fair in prototype form, each showcasing an interactive pegged environment, swappable heads and torsos. The gimmick on "Revamped" is that the fan can position the figure in numerous battle stances via the foot and peg system: From running up the side of a trash dumpster to slam that stake in the enemy (not included), to standing strong and fast for solo display. Each figure will feature minimal articulation (head, shoulders, waist). "Revamped" figures will retail in the $16-$20 price range with first two releases due out around this summer.
In addition, DST will be ushering in new prop replicas (Faith's Knife and Dulac Cross) as well as an exciting new resin sculpture series. The latter, will capture the Essence of...
* Angel
* Spike
* Willow
* Buffy
Each Jean St. Jean Studio sculpted piece will illuminate in some way (ie: candles with Willow, glowing blue archway for Angel, etc.) and will run around $125 each.
My thoughts... Dumb. Not giving us Riley and Gunn before ending this is really friggin annoying.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Thursday Tv Heaven! Joss' Office ruled! Smallville, Supernatural, Earl, and CSI.
Thursday is like tv heaven lately. But only if you have tivo/dvr...because I would find it very difficult indeed to choose between all the shows I love to watch on thursday evenings. First Smallville...last night's episode, "Freak", marked the directorial debut of our very own Lexypoo, Mr Rosenbaum. I thought he did a stellar job and it was the first episode of the season that did not make me want to punch Lana for being a dunderhead. And Supernatural! Finally a humorous episode in what has been a very dry season for the most part. This was very reminiscent of one of my favorite X-Files episodes, "Bad Blood", in which the he said/she said story line made for lots of comedy hijinks. My favorite part was when Dean had a ton of candy crammed in his mouth. So funny. I know I have said it before, but I think a lot of Buffy and Angel lovers would really like this show if they gave it a chance. Its a Supernatural Hardy Boys with a dash of bad ass five by five Faith attitude. Then moving to comedy...Joss Whedon's first tv directing foray in years proved to be worth the wait. The Office was beyond funny last night. I mean the show is always hilarious but I especially enjoyed the vampy hijinks last night and that moment at the end of the show was really sweet. "Its a Chunky..." And of course, Earl is genius..everyone must watch it. And then finally I am a sucker for CSI. I like crime shows and watch a ton of them (Bones, CSI vegas only, Numbers, L&O SVU, and L&O Criminal Intent). And Buffy's own Mayor Wilkins was on CSI last night and I get the feeling he will be back.
And yeah...i watch a lot of tv. But I am a big multitasker and I am usually doing ten othr things while watching the making action figure customs or sewing costumes etc. Idle hands and idle thoughts...devil's playthings.
And yeah...i watch a lot of tv. But I am a big multitasker and I am usually doing ten othr things while watching the making action figure customs or sewing costumes etc. Idle hands and idle thoughts...devil's playthings.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Episode #011 Vampy Valentines with Weslefred, Farscape, and Toy Fair 2007!
News from the Whedonverse, Toy Fair 2007, False Memories and Buffy Omnibus, Farscape, and Wesley and Fred!
-Check out Played my he's good in my book!
-The Tim Minear/Ben Queen-created drama "Drive" will kick off with a special two-hour premiere on Sunday, April 15 at 8:00/7:00c. The series will then settle into its regular Monday, 8:00/7:00c slot the following night as a lead-in to "24." Watch a promo clip with Nathan Fillion.
-Satin Tights No Longer by Joss Whedon on
-Joss Whedon promo on youtube about his directing the Office episode..its HILARIOUS
-DST announces Buffy Stars signing Schedule and special buffy programming for NYCC starting on feb 23rd
-Lots of Buffy Stars at NYCC
-Browncoat start at $920 and the Bedlam Bards have been announced as a guest...more to come...early bird pricing ends Feb 14th..
-Clive James commenting on Buffy
-Starkville house of El podcast interview with steven deknight.
Willow’s Book Report/Xander’s Comic Collection
-Article about Buffy 8 at (warning spoilers...)
Buffy omnibus volume 1

Comic Review of False Memories
Genuine Molded Plastic
-Interview with DST Mike Leavey & Chuck Terceira
-Toy Fair 07 News and pics
-Military Xander available as a New York Comicon Exclusive for $15
-Premium Format Buffy Variation
-Quantum Mechanix Inc is doing a 20" Serenity ship model.
Designer Imposter: Farscape.
Scapecast at
Essay: Weslefred
-Check out Played my he's good in my book!
-The Tim Minear/Ben Queen-created drama "Drive" will kick off with a special two-hour premiere on Sunday, April 15 at 8:00/7:00c. The series will then settle into its regular Monday, 8:00/7:00c slot the following night as a lead-in to "24." Watch a promo clip with Nathan Fillion.
-Satin Tights No Longer by Joss Whedon on
-Joss Whedon promo on youtube about his directing the Office episode..its HILARIOUS
-DST announces Buffy Stars signing Schedule and special buffy programming for NYCC starting on feb 23rd
-Lots of Buffy Stars at NYCC
-Browncoat start at $920 and the Bedlam Bards have been announced as a guest...more to come...early bird pricing ends Feb 14th..
-Clive James commenting on Buffy
-Starkville house of El podcast interview with steven deknight.
Willow’s Book Report/Xander’s Comic Collection
-Article about Buffy 8 at (warning spoilers...)
Buffy omnibus volume 1

Comic Review of False Memories
Genuine Molded Plastic
-Interview with DST Mike Leavey & Chuck Terceira
-Toy Fair 07 News and pics
-Military Xander available as a New York Comicon Exclusive for $15

-Premium Format Buffy Variation
-Quantum Mechanix Inc is doing a 20" Serenity ship model.
Designer Imposter: Farscape.
Scapecast at
Essay: Weslefred

Friday, February 02, 2007
Not Dead Yet....
I am almost through this hateful time yall...Oklahoma! opens on tuesday and I should have more time after that. So expect an episode to drop next week sometime. It might be a tiny one focusing on comics, news,maybe a brief review and then I will get to the Valentine Spectacular with an essay on Wes and Fred...and then maybe I can do that crossover episode with Strangely Literal....
In the meantime check out the Starkville's House of El interview with former Buffy and Angel writer/producer Steven S. DeKnight. He talks alot about his Buffy and Angel time and its a great interview. Then stick around and listen to the rest of their podcasts...they run a stellar show!
In the meantime check out the Starkville's House of El interview with former Buffy and Angel writer/producer Steven S. DeKnight. He talks alot about his Buffy and Angel time and its a great interview. Then stick around and listen to the rest of their podcasts...they run a stellar show!
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