Quick updates on upcoming Buffy swag, Wildclaw Theatre, the MS Walk, the Undead America Forums, and buying me beers at SDCC while working for the Devil's Candy Store!
Brian and Aly discuss Phases, Perfect Creature
Thanks for listening!
A guide to the Joss Whedon's Buffy Verse featuring reviews of Angel and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, books, collectibles, comics, news, and other geeky goodness. In Joss, We Trust.
ok, we're good, it's done, we're up to $1000, n i'm so gunna go sleep for forever n hope i just don't have to get up for work tomorrow...
congratulations on raising so much!!
$715, oh my, n that's American$$ too, well... thats a few less shoes and books and DVDs for me then!
You look familiar. Were you ever an actress or did you ever live in Connecticut USA?
Nope. i lived in Milford New Hampshire for a spell. And people think I am a chubbier Claire Danes...
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