In this episode: Episode Review of Lessons, Designer Imposter: Mad Men, Genuine Molded Plastic, and local Chicago Horror Events.
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Episode Review: 7:1 Lessons
Designer Imposter: Madmen

Genuine Molded Plastic:
Buffy Eaglemoss Fig & Magazine
Angel and Spike Eaglemoss Fig and Magazines
Tooned Up Faith
Buffy Corkscrew I scored at Wizard World!
In Closing:
Wildclaw Zombie Bowling
Wildclaw Deathscribe
Wildclaw Blood Radio Podcast/Blog
My Copious Spare Time Crafty Podcast/Blog
Joss'd Podcast
Coming up: Life of the Party, Hex, Vampire Diaries, the comics!
Hey Alyrenee! Just a note to say thanks so much for the work you're doing on the podcasts. I've been listening for what must be years now, and have really enjoyed your enthusiasm for Buffy and all things amazing. Imagine how my spirits lifted when on the way to work one day I heard that I am not the only one who truly, truly loved the schlock that was Harper's island... I think I may well have punched the air on the train carriage. Anyways, I get that your life is often hell-crazy and you don't get to post a podcast as often as you'd like, but I want to let you know that the effort you take makes my commute (and I'm sure that of loads of other 'silent listeners' like me) very happy. So I very selfishly wish you lots of uninteresting, boring moments for the future so that more podcasts can arrive! Tim K from Adelaide in South Australia. PS. The premiere of Tru Blood Season Two starts here on Tuesday - I am so excited I sometimes inadvertently walk into doorframes...
Thanks you SO MUCH! This comment made my day.
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