Sunday, April 26, 2009

Episode #029 Drunken Dollhouse Ramblings!

Gwen, Casey, Brian, and I talk Dollhouse..and stray off topic a few times. Enjoy!

Support my MS Walk campaign!

Wildclaw Theatre presents the Revenants featuring Brian as a Zombie!


Wendy aka Misswendiki said...

Thanks so much for this episode. You guys totally hit it on the head why I'm not crazy about Dollhouse: Eliza Dushku. Less Dushku= better episode.

As for Andy Hallet love, I love every second of Lorne's singing, and whenever he says "Angel-cakes."

P.S....Overboard is one of the most under-rated movies ever!

Alyrenee said...

Glad you liked the episode!

I just watched the most recent one last night which had lots of Eliza in it...and it was not too bad actually. So I do think alot of it is material...still the scenes between Topher and Sierra were WAY more interesting to me...

Familia HP said...

No hate mail for Brian here! I agree 100% with his take on Dushku. I gave up on Dollhouse after that super creepy ep where she has sex with that guy and he hunts her. I will revisit it when I can watch them all in succession. In the meantime, it is Buffy Season 5 for me!