Its out...I read it. Review is coming soon and I am hoping to bang out the next podcast by monday yall. Please let me know what you think. You can post here or call my snazzy voicemail thang.
When you read the issue...watch out for some fun self references. One of the slayers is reading an issue of Fray in one scene. And I believe Joss is drawn into Buffy's dream sequence. And I also think that little critter on the floor of the dream cavern is a gamorrean guard from Return of the Jedi...which is hilarious but also proves YET AGAIN what a ridiculous nerd-tard that I am.
Whedon-speak word of the day: Barflex -an involuntary vomit reflex which occurs when a dirty old man calls you affectionate nicknames such as pet or love.
Man, one or two images in that comic almost scorched my eyeballs.
I can't wait for the Faith arc. If she's drawn half as well as she is on the cover...
Holy frijole! This issue was amazing. I don't want to be spoilery, so I'll talk in code. I loved how badass ****** was! Seeing **** ****** in the little box in the dream was the best! I want the image of *****, ***** and ***** dressed as a naughty ***** as my wallpaper! So great to see ****** and ***** doing the girltalk again. I actually snuck in the bathroom and read this at work and screamed at that last image of ****** coming after ******. My coworkers probably thought I was passing a stone.
favorite new word for me? Nerd-tard. Hee!
i am loving the comics so far !!!!!
i have a question and it might be a bit silly but what buffy and or Angel novel would you recommend i really want to grab something good and i'm weirded about this canon non canon stuff
thanks for any help you can give
Hey Leanne,
Officially, as far as I understand it, none of the books are cannon. A good way to look at them as an alternate universe with stories that we didn't see. None of them really change the plotline of the show(s) (Except for a few minor interractions that negate things stated on the show, but again, very minor). Our girl here, Alyrenee, is reviewing "Go Ask Malice" which was an amazing book and gives a lot of background to Faith. A few other really good ones are "Immortal" "The Gatekeeper Trilogy" and "Tales of the Slayer 1, 2 & 3."
I really love the Go Ask Malice Faith origin story. Its really top notch. I also enjoyed the gatekeeper trilogy by christopher golden. If you are looking for comics....you could start with the upcoming Omnibus...otherwise get Tales from the Slayers and Tales from the Vampires....they rule.
Oh yeah...the Immortal is a good one. And yes, I look at them as alternate universe stories....if you are big on canon then you might steer clear of Queen of the Slayers. Its probably the book the flies most in the face of canon...especially with the current season eight stuff. I am planning to read the alternate universe Dark Willow trilogy. They have been waiting patiently on my shelf for quite some time now.
I think the Tales of the Slayer books are really underrrated. They really immerse the reader in the rich history of the slayer line. I know that sounds a little reviewy, but it's totally true. There are stories about slayers that died young, turned their back on their duty, fought with a team like Buffy well before Buffy and slayers that were later mentioned in other Buffy books. When I first read them I was convinced they should be made into an anothology TV show, like on lifetime or WE.
Thanks everyone for the responses.. i did order Go Ask Malice because of the show so i'll check out the other ones suggested...
I do have tales of the slayers which I adored
I am really loving this season 8 through the comic format. I'm just excited that the Buffyverse is continuing with Joss at the helm. I thought this 3rd issue really dove into this 1st arc with a lot of action happening and information given out. While Joss & Co. really had to get creative when producing the television show due to constraints in budget, actor availability, time, etc I like that now he has the freedom to go all out and really explore thanks to the lack of limitations in the comic book format.
I also really like that Joss is exploring the existing verse in this arc, most especially by bringing back old characters we know and love (or love to hate). If this was a TV season 8 I doubt we would have seen Amy, Warren AND Ethan back nor would all the cool special ops aspects be possible. I'm completely along for this ride with Joss and I feel it's off to an amazing start.
One question/comment: The mystery floating guy at the end of issue 1 was Ethan, correct? I assumed since the mystery guy at the end of issue 1 wore the same outfit as Ethan when he was finally revealed in the 3rd issue we should assume them to be one and the same.
Re: Buffy tie in books - I second the "Tales of the Slayer" series. I have found those to be my favorite because they explore the slayer history and mythos in a really interesting and amazing way that doesn't disturb cannon (at least in my opinion). I find the other novel tie-ins harder to read because the characters just seem so off to me, even considering the novels as an alternate universe.
- spygrrl76
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